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Cameron Balloons Kids Club

Welcome to the Cameron Balloons Kids Club - where our FREE resources aim to inspire, encourage and motivate children & young people to learn and have fun.

by Hannah Cameron

Cameron Balloons Kids Club

Who are we?

Cameron Balloons is the world’s largest manufacturer of hot-air balloons based in Bristol, UK. Founded in 1971 - we are proud to say our company will be 45years old in 2016. We have broken lots and lots of world records and to celebrate the start of another Round-the-World, non-stop balloon flight project, we have developed these FREE Kids & Teacher Resource Packs – which has everything you need to know about ballooning and our lighter-than-air sport.

The overall aim was to cover many different aspects of lighter-than-air flight; to really bring-to-life parts of the UK school’s curriculum but also to facilitate interest and learning through other organisations such as the Scouts and Guiding Associations, Schools, those marvellous Flight Museums, Air-Cadet Organisations and Charities all around the globe.

Please do share and forward these links to your schools, packs and groups and feel free to use our FREE resources at your events if you wish - please, just give us a credit. Our aim is to encourage many, many young people to enjoy learning...

So with all that in mind - please do send us a photo of your class or group having fun learning, let us know what you think about the free resources, let us know what we have missed out and of course what you would like next...  but most of all HAVE FUN!

The two packs are specifically aimed to enhance lots of different parts of the school curriculum and have been designed to fit in with many parts of the hobby and aviation badges within scouting and guiding associations too

Background Information

We have developed two packs;

1) Cameron Balloons Kids Learning Resources is a fun-packed, easily readable or printable (26 page) booklet for students with a variety of sections - to capture the imagination of even the youngest children. It also incorporates background science topics and engaging and important elements of lighter-than-air history to extend and challenge those more senior students.

2) Cameron Balloons Teacher Resources encapsulates extra information and background science for adults who are supporting student’s learning.

'We do want to make the learning process as easy and as fun as possible for students and also for the adults assisting them!, explains, Hannah Cameron, Cameron Balloons Ltd.

We have also worked with At-bristol, the hands-on exploratory based in Bristol – they made this great video with us at Cameron Balloons – a fantastic, inspiring extra resource to go with our packs 

Coming soon... We also hope to complete and add a Cameron Balloons Virtual Factory during 2016.

We REALLY hope this information is useful for all and better still it is all FREE to use and print off as you wish – please, just give us a credit.

Don't forget send us a photo! Let us know what you think? Tell us what we have missed out? and what you would like to know next...? but most of all HAVE FUN!

For comments and questions please email: