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Cameron Balloons’ new Canadian Representative - Jacob Vaillancourt

Congratulations and of course, a very big Cameron Balloons welcome, to Jacob Vaillancourt of Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada. Jacob joined our international network of Cameron

by Hannah Cameron

Cameron Balloons’ new Canadian Representative -...

‘We are delighted that Jacob, an experienced commercial pilot, instructor has joined the team of Cameron Balloons International Representatives.’ Nick Purvis,
Cameron Balloons Sales Director reports. ‘We are looking forward to Jacob visiting the factory, to get to know the team here better, it also gives a great opportunity for him to be immersed in training but as Jacob has grown up with balloons, Jacob is inherently familiar with all Cameron Balloons built products, as balloons have literally been ‘part of the family’ throughout his life.*

Jacob explains further, ‘I am a keen traveller and as well as being the new Cameron Balloons representative in Canada. You will likely see me at balloon meets from Switzerland to Mexico. I am very happy and excited to become part of the Cameron Balloons team. Lighter-than-air aviation is something I am absolutely passionate about and ballooning is such a big part of my home and working life.

I find, I am constantly surrounded by balloons; as I am a commercial hot-air balloon pilot, now for more than 6years with over 600hours experience. I also help to organise huge balloon events for balloonists and the public and in my spare time I am also finishing off my Balloon Inspector Rating too.’

And, if that wasn’t enough!
Jacob is also working as a fully-fledged fire-fighter, fighting fires and saving lives.

Jacob flies everything from a 77 to a 315, with many of his childhood flights in the Cameron Balloons built N-90,Construction Number 2427 which, was first built in Bristol in December 1990, for his father*

*Jacob’s father, Richard has been a pilot for more than 30years and is very well-known in ballooning circles. Richard has always favoured Cameron Balloons
equipment and with Jacob’s mother, Line, they have, from the start, been central to the organisation of the – Montgolfieres Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu Balloon
Festival - an eight day extravaganza which, with over 1600 volunteers, hosts about 100 balloons and teams,
runs a huge variety of balloon competitions and nightglows, arranges an enormous selection of shows, activities, food stalls and children’s events
- all for the half-a-million visitors who attend in August each year.

Contact: Jacob Vaillancourt – by email or see him on Facebook