CloudyWeather in Bristol (GB): Moderate Rain

Cameron working with Greenpeace

This existing framework geodesic dome is brought to life as an enormous stage space and billboard with Cameron Balloon built tailor-made covers.

by Hannah Cameron

Cameron working with Greenpeace

This project like all our bespoke work is never as easy as it first appears; with made-to-measure panels to fit to each frame and specialist fabrics that comply with; regulations to prevent support of combustion and also the need to make the cover long-lasting in terms of UV resistance we set Dave Boxall and Craig Moore from Cameron Balloons Technical on the task.

In previous years Greenpeace had a globe printed onto the fabric’s surface which can be seen in their incredible video (at about 0.45 on the left hand side) which is still used at publicity events and public information and education campaigns often at huge public shows such as at Glastonbury Festival. 

And for 2014 a new dome cover....

These behind the scenes photographs of Glastonbury Festival show Craig Moore of Cameron Balloons working in Greenpeace's festival recycling yard - on the new cover for their geodesic dome stage area which will be in prime position in the Greenpeace Field, a key part of the entertainment for the 175,000 festival goers at the end of June. 

It all has to be finished and installed well before the event starts.

This time, their cover will be plain white to display projections on the outside and will be black on the inside to help create atmosphere for their some of their staged events.

So sadly guys – no, you don’t get to attend the huge music festival… but playing a part to make it happen, meeting organisers and getting a feel of the atmosphere as more-and-more of the structures are built up in place, is almost as good!

From everyone at Cameron Balloons to Glastonbury Festival Goers - Let us know if you are going and have an awesome time!