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More Inflatable Mini Golf Nets

Mini Golf Nets are one of the latest products keeping Cameron’s Fabric Engineering section busy.

by Hannah Cameron

More Inflatable Mini Golf Nets

Inflatable golf nets are used by England Golf and the Charity Golf Partnership to provide golf taster and practice sessions almost anywhere!

This batch of ‘mini nets’ enables the system to be much more transportable. The specialised net has to withstand a golf ball which could reach a speed of 180mph when it leaves the face of the driver.

Now in fabric cutting and fabrication, the pieces of specially shaped net and the surrounding cold-air inflated posts are put together using a variety of sewing techniques.

Phil Toomer, whose business GolfPro 2U operates Cameron Balloons manufactured inflatable Mini Golf Nets, is based West of Birmingham in the UK. Phil, an expert Golfer, is also a PGA Class AA qualified Golf Professional, and since his qualification in 2006, Phil has been providing golf lessons to everyone from beginners who wish to have a go at their first golf lesson, to other PGA Professionals.

Now Phil even takes his golf nets to some of the biggest supermarkets in the country as part of their promotional activities, so there really is no excuse for not giving it a try!

A Mini Golf Net really does pack away into this bag, which is just slightly bigger than a sleeping bag!